Sunday, April 25, 2010

Flat broke

Hey! Been awhile since I've updated. It isn't that I didn't have time to blog but rather I was a little lazy and what Mandy said, blogging requires the feel~ Hahas, so yeah. Let's back track on what's been happening on the past few days.

Was supposed to go out with the cool people yesterday but plans had to change cause bunk had to go meet her boyfriend. So it ended up only Mandy, Guo Hao and me going to Ion to shop. And yes, it's because of the outing with them that I'm flat broke. Guo Hao wanted to get a Fred Perry shirt but couldn't find what he was looking for and ended up going to uniqlo for shopping spree. Well, it was the one of the cheapest store in Ion.

Like what Guo Hao said....
"When we're poor, be cheap!" 

I got a pink T-shirt which was like finally. We then moved on to Bugis. I'm still wondering to myself how I got dragged into eating Seoul Garden when I didn't have the budget to eat there in the first place. Lols! I guess in a way, the power of friendship. Haha....I was dragged in by two cute people that I guess I had to give in in the end. Lots of crap while eating, fun!

Yummy, but I didn't felt like I ate food worth of $26.

Guo Hao and me!

Guo Hao, Mandy and me!

We went to eat at 5 and left the place at 7.30 or so. Then, went down to Bugis Street for more shopping. I got a pants ( Gh's birthday present to me, thanks! ) and a graphic T. Left at about 8.20 for Clementi. We actually got lost in Singapore for about 10 minutes cause we took a bus on the wrong side of the road. Had some help from a few kind souls and we all made it back home safe and sound. Haha!

Okay, I can't really remember about what happened the days before Saturday. So I guess I'll end here. But before that, a last picture....

Really is the master of sleeping, he can sleep almost anywhere!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Republic Republic! Ughhh.....

Hey peeps! Been awhile since I've blogged. Since I've a little time to spare before I go to bed, I'll post something about the start of the school semester.

Yeah, school's started! This will be my reaction if my mindset wasn't shaken. I was that enthusiastic before but now, sadly having second thoughts. Let's start off with the orientation camp.

Day 1 orientation camp ---- Epic FAIL. Organisation was really bad.
Day 2 orientation camp ---- Free suntan in the morning. Still as much of a failure as of the 1st day.
Day 3 orientation camp ---- Still boring at first but it ended with a BIG BANG. Or I guess more like a boom.

However, the food still sucked big time. Zzz...

After our DINNER which is at FOUR O'CLOCK ( Who eats dinner at 4?? ), we head out to the Lawn for our individual schools' performances followed by Jam&Hop. It was only then everyone in my group was suddenly super high. Ohh and anyways.....School of Sports, Health & Liesure ( SHL ) won the principal's cup! Which was actually amazing race but they gave it a fancy game.

Ohh~~ Sha la la la la~
Sha la la in the morning~
Woh woh woh woooh~
Sha la la la la~
Shal la la in the evening~

Okays, that moment when they announced that SHL won, I was rather proud of my school. Hahas...And the cheer above, was my school's theme song. Everyone were super high, a good thing. I was seriously getting bored then. And, for Jam&Hop, the Lawn was converted to a dance floor in a club. 

 Mighty mighty SHL's flag

Look at all the hands in the air!

You could literally feel the floor moving up and down, up and down caused by all the people that are jumping so hard. Finally, something that had excited me during camp. Hahas...

And then for today, lessons have officially started. Today's was on communication. PDT, PPT and whatever not. Presentations every weekdays for the rest of my poly life! Wow....I wonder how long I'm able to keep up. Anyways, I'm getting real tired. Gonna catch some shut eye now.

Nights people!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's Madness

I'll let you in on something here, the machine that's sucking my life away.

Ohh god, I swear I'll cut down and eventually STOP completely.
I don't believe that the only way for me to stop playing excessively is to tie myself to the bed in my room.

Clementi - Mac - Crystal's place - Clementi for dinner - Home.

Damn, my ez link card got confiscated by the driver cause it's expired!
But I still paid for the bloody fair!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Leroy's Birthday!

Yesterday, was out to celebrate Leroy's birthday. Met David at Harbour Front at 12.45pm and went down to Bugis to meet up with birthday boy and Jian Ming. Haha as usual, they'll be at the arcade playing Jubeat. After Jubeat, went to MOF for lunch. I think it's one of the lower standards of resturant I've ever been to. The taste of their food there is quite extreme. Ugh... So after lunch, we went to Iluma to just walk about as we still had some time left before the show. Ohh ya, we went to watch the show 'Clash of The Titans'. Its quite nice, rate it 4/5.

Surprisingly, the theater isn't as cold as the last time we were there. After the show, we walked to Sim Lim Square to check out some games. That done, trained down to clementi then took a shuttle bus down to west Cost Plaza. Leroy got a whole lot of comic books. The weather ruined our plan of going to West Cost Park to cut cake there. It started to rain. So we cab back to clementi and met up with Mandy and Guo Hao. Settled for Subway to have our dinner and cake cutting. Mandy and me went to buy a cake.

Tadaaa! A spiderman cake =)

Cab fare from WCP to Clementi --- $4.80
Cake from Bengawan solo --- $18.80
Face birthday boy makes after seeing his cake


But he was still sporty and did the stuff we asked him to do!

Spider Sense Spiderman!

Group picture!

Why am I the only one who seems to be smiling??

Hope to have more crazy outings/celebrations coming up!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happenings for the past 2 days

Ohh man, life for the past 2 days were hectic for all the wrong reasons. Hahas, first of on the 31st of March was Jian Ming's birthday! Had a very last minute gathering with him at night to just crap and have his birthday cake. Before that, went to school to collect my O level's certificate following by lunch/dinner at Pizza Hut. Jubeat's a never miss. After a few games, went to Kbox with some cool people. Let's use the picture to do the talking now.

From left: GuoHao, Mandy, Crystal.

Crystal & me.

Mandy & me

Brendan joined in a little later

After Kbox, Jian Ming came and we got him a cake!

I had to borrow a lighter cause no one has any and the uncle I borrowed from thought I was gonna smoke.

We made Jian Ming took out the candles and deco with his mouth! Hahas

The cool people!

Group photo! Ohh, with a police man behind the pillar on the right and another one to the right. We were making too much noise and someone complained the police were not doing their job. Joke!

Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil. SMELL no evil. ( Huh?? )


The coolest picture ever!

And as for today, went out with almost the same people. But it's only with Guo Hao and Mandy. Hahas, so not really. Crapped a WHOLE lot. Only we know what's going on huh? Went to bugis Top Man shop to go get shirts and back to Clementi. Had egg tarts and drinks at KFC.

It's actually quite nice! Hahas, just it's a little too oily. Continue to crapped and then Jubeat. AGAIN. Man, I seriously got to stop going to the arcade. Soh Guo Hao I hate you. Hahas! After that, we went our seperate ways back home.