Thursday, April 15, 2010

Republic Republic! Ughhh.....

Hey peeps! Been awhile since I've blogged. Since I've a little time to spare before I go to bed, I'll post something about the start of the school semester.

Yeah, school's started! This will be my reaction if my mindset wasn't shaken. I was that enthusiastic before but now, sadly having second thoughts. Let's start off with the orientation camp.

Day 1 orientation camp ---- Epic FAIL. Organisation was really bad.
Day 2 orientation camp ---- Free suntan in the morning. Still as much of a failure as of the 1st day.
Day 3 orientation camp ---- Still boring at first but it ended with a BIG BANG. Or I guess more like a boom.

However, the food still sucked big time. Zzz...

After our DINNER which is at FOUR O'CLOCK ( Who eats dinner at 4?? ), we head out to the Lawn for our individual schools' performances followed by Jam&Hop. It was only then everyone in my group was suddenly super high. Ohh and anyways.....School of Sports, Health & Liesure ( SHL ) won the principal's cup! Which was actually amazing race but they gave it a fancy game.

Ohh~~ Sha la la la la~
Sha la la in the morning~
Woh woh woh woooh~
Sha la la la la~
Shal la la in the evening~

Okays, that moment when they announced that SHL won, I was rather proud of my school. Hahas...And the cheer above, was my school's theme song. Everyone were super high, a good thing. I was seriously getting bored then. And, for Jam&Hop, the Lawn was converted to a dance floor in a club. 

 Mighty mighty SHL's flag

Look at all the hands in the air!

You could literally feel the floor moving up and down, up and down caused by all the people that are jumping so hard. Finally, something that had excited me during camp. Hahas...

And then for today, lessons have officially started. Today's was on communication. PDT, PPT and whatever not. Presentations every weekdays for the rest of my poly life! Wow....I wonder how long I'm able to keep up. Anyways, I'm getting real tired. Gonna catch some shut eye now.

Nights people!

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