Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Don't know what to put as title, so I'll leave it blank.

It's been almost a good 1 month since I've last posted, which is kind of rare for me cause I'm always known to post random and stupid things here. Well, for one I think it's because I barely have any remaining time for myself

So......Life's been quite boring lately. Or rather if I had ANY life to start off with.

  • Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, IG training.
  • Saturday & Sunday, 8 hours work at Tampines.
  • Wednesday & Friday, straight home.
  • No outings, ( movies, pool, any leisure & entertainment whatsoever )
  • No calls, messages. ( Unless from Mum )
Haha....Well, every week's the same routine. But well, with the targets in mind of doing well in UT and excel in alps...this would be my life for awhile. In addition of the 2.1k or so amount we got to pay for the overseas trip for alps is already enough to make me a wreck. And that's EXCLUDING personal equipments like shoes and thermal clothes. Work, work & work!

Today wasn't much different, except for training which we did the high wall! Reminded me how long it has been since I went to ClimAsia for bouldering sessions. Man, how I miss bouldering. Haha, today's climb reignite the passion I had for climbing. This time, I should REALLY pick time for bouldering. This also reminds me that I hadn't run for a long time too. Lol! Damn....

 Hectic schedule, really makes me feel like I have to rant to someone....anyone! Hahas....Makes me miss my friends that I hadn't seen and/or talked for a period now.

Realises my blog is SOOOOOOOO.....B-O-R-I-N-G.
Need more pictures, less words.....

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