Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A lot like.....

Class was hmmm..... fun today. Lots of craps and jokes in the DREAM TEAM. Or the dreaming team...Haha. Had Enterprise Understanding Test ( UT ). UTs are like exams in Republic Poly. So yeah...And well, kind of messed up with lots of important terms and keywords missing. Misread a question too....Grr, bloody caps.

After UT, was supposedly to be studying for the Science UT on Friday. But ended up watching The Fast & Furious 4. Lols, completely fail. About an hour later, went to Causeway Point for dinner with Mao & Haz. Talked quite a lot and well, got to say that I really admire Mao. Hahas....For his smartness, knowledge and attitude towards life. Someone that would be a good role model for others. Along with Benny, Umar, Syifa and a few others in class. Everyone has their own strengths in different aspects.

So after our little chat, went to take the train back. And, I saw this girl in Innova Jc. who looked like Briana. The hair, the way she's dressed, the shoes, the everything. Lols...Long time since I've met or talked to her. Hmmm, wonder how's life for her.

Is it as boring as mine? Zzz....

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