Sunday, July 11, 2010


Just came back from work, mood was totally @#$% today. Had a long, long bus ride back home....Had the time to reflect, sort out my thoughts.

Was thinking about dreams, family/friends, people's encouragements and yesterday's conversation.....

I posted this status on Facebook, "Chasing after your dreams, harder than it seems." I think that a lot of you will agree with what I say. It's never easy, but isn't impossible. Hmmm, but you guys will agree with what my Uncle, Jervon, replied to my post.....

"Finding a reason to live after you've reached your dreams is harder. Be thankful to always have something to look forward to, and chase after, each day."

Yeah, it's something that I really agree. So much so that I feel that mine's crap. I guess I wasn't really in the right frame of mind yesterday saying everything that I had. That's so me, always so rash. I've always felt that working towards things I aim for are like just so difficult, to the point it always pushes me to the verge of giving up. And honestly, I hadn't really been good at keeping to those targets. So I was thinking, why. And I FINALLY knew thought through the reason why. I never really made any dreams to fulfill. And by dreams, targeting for a shirt/bicycle/game or all these minor stuff counts as a dream. It should probably be something like "In 5 years time, I want to see myself graduating from NUS". That would probably qualify more to being called a dream. Yes, I want to make it big someday. By big, just something that would make my family, proud.

Wall of fame-ers of my family.... Alvin, Daniel, Jervon shu shu, there's still more. And I want to be one of those. Badly....Time to change, slowly but surely.

Alvin Cous

Daniel Cous

Jervon Shu Shu ( Right )

Jervon Shu Shu

This time, it's not just talk. I'm so sick and tired of the past, mopping about and over it. Watch me. Learn to trust myself, that I can do it. Learn to allow others to put trust in me.....

Wait and see, world.

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