Monday, July 19, 2010

Grandma's 71st

Today was my grandma's 71st birthday. She didn't even knew it was her birthday till I called her to tell her I was going down over in the evening. Haha! Skipped IG for a simple celebration over dinner and a cake. Bought a cake for her but my uncle wanted to pay for it and made me took his money.

Here's some pictures =)

The cake which I supposedly bought


From left... Uncle, Grandma, Grandpa

From left...Aunt, Grandma, Uncle

Ohh, and we all wore formal to class today for Enterprise....Camwhored after that.

From left, Syifa, Me, Nabillah, Angela, Raj.

This time, with Umar at the back.

A class picture awhile back....

Once we split, how will we be like then?

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