Thursday, March 4, 2010

Keeping Composure

My tiredness is affecting my crankiness. Haha...It's weird cause no matter how much I sleep, I'll still be feeling the fatigue the next day.

Today's no exception. Woke up fresh and alert but that energy didn't last too long and by noon, felt the sleepiness kicking in. Had to go to this Far East Property tour thing my parent's forced me to go. I felt super out of place. The rest of the group were agents working for my parents' company and they were all easily 30 and above. Awkward. We went from projects to projects. Upcoming condos that are currently in building, viewing their show rooms. One word, EXPENSIVE.

I wanted to upload some pictures I took at the show rooms but it seems blogger seems to have some problems. Or maybe it's just my com. A future condo at Ang Mo Kio called 'Centro Residence', buyer has to pay 1.2m for a 2 room flat. WOW.

Bla bla bla, then reached home. 2 sisters got themselves into trouble. One cried cause she thought she was short changed of her Vitagen and wouldn't shut up and the other broke a bottle of medicated oil. Now the whole house smells of that. Great....I managed to sooth both of them down and make them stop crying. Hahas....

Anyways, time for bed. Goodnight!

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