Saturday, March 20, 2010


Just got back home from Byron's house. Feeling kind of tired from the late nights and waking up early during the sleepover. But it's alright though, definitely had fun. Haha....On the way back home, met Valerie on the bus and chatted a bit.

Anyways, wanted to blog about yesterday. A fun and happening day it was. Jian Ming, Byron and me woke up at 7 plus which was really, really early because we slept only at 2am that night. We set the alarm for 10 but the sun woke us up. Freshen up, ate our breakfast, watched a little tv and went off to Bugis. Met Leroy and Minyi. We went to Iluma to catch the movie ' Book Of Eli '.

The show was quite nice, had lots of moments in the show I found really meaningful. 'I walk with faith, not with sight'. Enlightened me a little...Haha. And ohh, Leroy lost his wallet while at the arcade. But thankfully, the kindred spirit who picked up his wallet went to his house to return the wallet with everything intact. It's people like this that reminds us that the world is not all heartless and cold. After the show, Leroy and Minyi went off first. Jian Ming, Byron and me went for our so called dinner. Which was this....

Waffles, marshmellows, ice cream and fruits dip in chocolate fudge! Haha, super sinful but it's heavenly. We had this for dinner cause we had a very late lunch at around 3 plus in the afternoon. In addition, we had lots of drinks and popcorn for the show. Though it's not a lot, it's really filling. After dinner, went back to Byron's place and had another round of risk. Hahas, it's the most ridiculous risk game I've ever played, period. 

Ohh, times with these lovely people are great but I'm thinking deep down how long these happiness will last. It isn't that I don't trust them but past relationships with people really got me thinking. I guess that's the future and this is now. I'll just make the best out of the present. 

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