Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What Does It Mean To You

Just reached home from Byron's house. Went there with Jian Ming and we played Risk there. Hahas, it was fun. Had lots of laughs and jokes. Took the same bus as Jian Ming back home but he alighted first. Well, after he left.....Thought a lot. I really can't  be alone. Lols....

The day was rather pleasent. Went out in the morning with parents to office. Did my poly enrollment stuff and finally mailed them out today. The pain in the ass is gone. It's about time. After lunch, went down to clementi to meet up with Byron and Jian Ming. More Jubeat. Till Puvan came, went down to Mosburger. Jian Ming and Puvan wanted to eat. I sat there and played with Final Fantasy on my DS. Then walked to clementi stadium to watch the CWDS sports day. Was very....sporty indeed. Everyone was quite high there. Unlike my batch last year. Was quite dead. We left shortly after cause Puvan had to go back to school and the rest of us went for bowling at the Recreation centre then to KFC for early dinner. Munched down on our food and headed to Byron's house. Yup, we played Risk. Made a whole lot of noise, had loads of fun. I lost in the end but it's alright. It's just a game. Hahas.

And yeah, once I was left alone, thoughts all came rushing to my mind. The bus ride made me recall of what someone special told me about how life is like a bus ride.

"You are the driver, and people you meet will be the passengers. Also known as your friends. Through the whole bus journey, many people will board and alight at different times. Rarely, they'll stay for the entire ride."

Yeah, I agree. But I guess I couldn't really quite come to terms with it. The bus feels kind of empty now. Well, ending on a lighter note, here's some random pictures of today and of the past.

Fun at Toys'R'Us.

Converse Century

Chase Ong. Cute.

My sister's emoing?

Cat nap.

Guess I'm going to sleep now. Tired.
Nights people.

I wonder if you know I'm at your back and call.

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