Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tower Of life

Bored, so I'll blog. Trying to think of doing something that could entertain me for another 3 hours plus. Going out later to Jurong Point with Crystal & Mandy to catch 'Dear John'. Haha, finally found people to go watch with. Hey, the books by Nicholas Sparks are nice. The show couldn't be far off too. So yeah....

Woke up at 12 noon again, going through the same waking-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night thing again. Had breakfast/lunch and entertained myself by making towers of cards.

Then from this to -------

I know it's kind of lame but anything to keep myself entertained. When you grow up as a single child, you'll learn to do these kind of stuff to make up for the lack of companionship. I could even play chess with myself. Hahas....Ohh well, maybe it's just me. I must say though, it's a very good way to keep me occupied. To make the 3 levels high tower took me about 30mins. From that to the 4 levels one took me another 1 and a half hours. I was....Clumsy. I was lucky enough to take a picture of the 4 levels high one cause right after I took a picture, It went timber~ 

Well, then I just thought of how many of my relationship with people around me are just like the tower of cards. It takes so hard to build up but yet it could just come crashing down at any given moment. Oh, I've already gotten past that 'why life sucks' phase. Just something I thought about, maybe in need to change again. Or maybe I tried too hard. Hahas....Either way, it's good to improve yeah?

Let's see if I've pictures to post later.

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