Monday, February 22, 2010

Hash House Harriers!

Try to make my post short today cause I'm seriously deprived of sleep. Hadn't been having any good nights or enough sleep. So yeah....Today my Uncle went back to Perth after his long vacation from work there. He came back to celebrate the Lunar New Year with us ( my family ). Have the urge to just go with him. After he departed, went back home and catch a bit of Naruto. Then, packed my stuff and changed into running attire to go with my dad to hash run. Hash run is a gathering of runners all over Singapore, regardless of race, ethnics or age to run once a week on Mondays through harsh terrains. Such as bashing through the forest, running across a deep and wide drain and so on.

So I went there as a guest and had to pay an amount of $20 as there were drinks and food for after the run. I was the youngest there and perhaps anyone closest to my age would be a good 25 or 26. The fun about the run is that the organizers would mark out a route using chalk, tissue papers and flour before the run. And they'll purposely set some routes which leads to a dead end which means rather than running alone, we're helping each other finding the right path to take. Sadly, my dad and I were lost with 3 other Caucasian runners. All because we took a wrong turn some where and didn't know. The other runners were too far ahead cause they're all very experience runners with what seemed to me like insane stamina and speed. Luckily for us, we managed to find our way and back to where we started....Which also was the finishing point. It was a bungalow and Bukit Timah. We all clean up and changed and gather around to what they called a hash circle.

It was more like a drinking/appreciation/punishment thing to me though. They made organisers of HHH, guests LIKE ME, returning harriers and for other stupid reasons to drink. I got 3 times, my dad 4. The cup was big, like 300-400ml. The first time I got 'punished', was cause I was one of the guest. Second, was cause they thought those who were wearing the Stan Chart Marathon running attire were showing off and I was one of those. My dad too...Hahas. Then last was cause the run was cause I'm chines. All because of the run called 'China man run' in a way of celebrating Lunar New Year. In addition, you had to gulp down the beer....Fast. You'll be like standing in the middle of the circle and they'll be singing 'Why Are We Waiting', HHH style. Lols, it was tons of fun! Although the adults there are quite vulgar and told loads of sick jokes, it was still fun. Something new....Hahas!

Well, so much for making it short. Ohh well....Anyways, gonna crash now. Nights!

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