Saturday, February 6, 2010

So just got back home from out with friends. Leroy, Byron & JianMing. Bought my Chinese New Year clothes already...Some shit happened at first and I was quite upset over it but got over it. Still managed to joke and laugh with them. Overall had fun, hahas. After they all decided to go home, I went to Vivo. Wanted to be alone for awhile and....had the craving for playing Guitar Hero. Haha. Played a few rounds of it. I got better from the last time! Could play Yellow on medium. Random...After that, went to sit at a corner of the sky garden. Thought of stuff, loads of it I don't quite comprehend.

Change. Something that is always happening around everyone. Some of it fast, some of it slower. But yeah, then again it's up to how people would classify them. For example for me, the weather slowly changes over period of time. Just I don't have the opportunity to experience other seasons other than the ones we have in Singapore. But yeah, I guess you can picture how the weather changes over the seasons. People could slowly adapt to the slowly changing weather. They could get thicker clothes before it snows. They could prepare their coats and umbrellas out when it's autumn. They could go get bottles of sun tanning lotion for the summer. And stuff like that.

But what happens when the change is so sudden and out of the blue, it just spins you head round and you have not a clue what to react or what you could do?

It could maybe be relationship between people. Parents sudden realised that their child/children are finally grown up and it just seemed like yesterday that they was/were still being tugged into bed by them and things like that. How would anyone react? How would I react to such a change? I mean it's just an example. I asked myself this question then and I've realised that major, fast changes have been happening.

It leaves me cold. And yet the worse thing is that I really, really don't know what to do. Trying to salvage whatever that's left. But yet my efforts seem futile. I've been giving excuses for myself. For others. I'm running away from reality. "Facing it head on!", will be what most of you will say. But what's facing it head on and bits and pieces of you gets left behind. Other than running, I don't know what I could do. Other than pretending, I'll be able to keep the perfect image as memories.

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